Relax?…Just Do It.

I’d like to start with an apology to my one faithful reader, you know who you are! for my tardy post this week. I spent a lot of time this morning trying to come up with a good excuse, and was even going to make up something really good, but I didn’t know if you would believe that I took too much Ambien and slept for the last several days, or that I was suddenly struck with short-term-memory amnesia as the result of a migraine and kept writing the same sentence over and over again, or that I won the Mega Millions and jetted off to an African Safari and I don’t have wifi on my laptop so I didn’t get to tell you, or that a producer from the Bravo Network read my blogs and decided to make a reality show about me, or that I gouged out my own eyes with a grapefruit spoon so as not to have to see another clip in the saga called Charlie Sheen. But the god’s honest truth is that I’ve been relaxing. Which, it turns out, is an activity that I highly recommend.

It all started on Friday when we finally got news that Bianca was accepted into college. Much revelry and celebration ensued and continued throughout the weekend, while Mav and I refused to consider the painful reality of two college tuitions. At least for now. A feat which, you might imagine, takes significant amounts of alcohol. But we must have had enough because I was feeling so stress-free, that I started to realize how stressed-out I had been….waiting, waiting for the mailman, saying little prayers as I opened the mailbox, having a little heart attack each time I got a text from Bianca, trying desperately to hack into her email so I could circumvent possible bad news from her number one school. But by Monday morning, I was so unstressed I decided to really relax, and skip my 5am workout. And since Bianca has been pretty stressed out too, I decided she should also relax and skip school. Hell, if I hadn’t spent the last ten days stuck home nursing Charles and his swine flu germs, I might have let him skip school again too, but considering he started driving me crazy the minute his 104 fever dropped below 102, I thought it was time for him to re-enter the world outside. So off he went barely getting into the school building on time, the only thing lighting a fire under his butt the possibility that I would have to sign him in, me decked out in my dogs-wearing-reindeer-antlers flannel pajamas and my bedroom glasses. (I’m not exactly sure what “bedroom glasses” are, but in this case I am referring to a pair that are 20 years old, John Lennon style, and only correct my vision about 60%.)

Once back at home, Bianca and I decided that we would go out to breakfast, because we were too relaxed to clean up the mess from the celebration the night before, and too relaxed to cook anything. In fact we were also too relaxed to take showers and really get dressed, so I substituted my flannels for a pair of sweat pants, a kerchief and a dark pair of sunglasses even though it was raining, lest I be recognized, and we headed out.

It only took a minute to realize that I was almost completely out of gas, practically riding on fumes, so we took a detour to the Mobil station, which was good because I remembered that I hadn’t won the lottery last week and with the two college tuitions on my plate it would be a good idea to buy a couple of tickets. Thank goodness we live in a full-service-gas-station state, so the whole process was quick, but long enough for me to notice that there was a new hire at the Mobil. Let’s face it, the staff at a gas station is always pretty interesting. In my experience either extremely ethnic to the point of speaking limited English, or extremely stupid to the point of speaking limited English or finally, my favorite, the guy with the extremely large tongue that contributes to him speaking limited English. But the new hire I noticed on Monday was of a completely different variety. The Munchkin variety, to be exact. And I am not referring to the greasy, yet delicious doughy treats from Dunkin’ Donuts, if you know what I mean.

He looked remarkably like a real, live, leprechaun, believe it or not, so much so that I thought perhaps we were still celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. And I started to realize that every midget, er, “little person,” I have ever come across either has the leprechaun look or the mini-businessman-with-a-big-head look, and collectively all look alike. The women are a little harder to group into categories like that, thank goodness, or I would start to think I was an anti-midgite, which I absolutely am NOT. But honest to god, these guys all have a very similar look to the actors that played the Oompah Loompas in the remake of “Willie Wonka” who looked like decendants of the Oompah Loompas in the original “Willie Wonka” who looked like descendants of the Lollypop Kids in “The Wizard of Oz.” But I guess this is what happens when one starts to relax, you start pondering inane topics like midgets and their lineage. You’re probably saying to yourself, “D. Parker, you must be relaxing all the time because you are always pondering inane topics,” and there might be some truth to that, so I suppose we should all be grateful that I don’t spend as much time relaxing as I’d like.

Case in point: the minute Bianca and I placed our order at our favorite breakfast joint, I got an emergency text on my cell phone from the PTA President. Why such a person was granted the privilege to emergency text me is a whole other story I will save for a later discussion, nonetheless her text was clearly of significance and reeked with the ire of a woman scorned: “WHERE R THE CUPCAKES?” And I said, to quote the famous Ralphie of “The Christmas Story” fame, “Ohhhh, fuuuuudge!” Only I didn’t say fudge.

In my relaxed state I had forgotten about the cupcake sale I had volunteered to run that day. Not only had I forgotten to bake a batch myself, I had forgotten to remind the recruits to bake as well. I knew I was in deep shit and as this woman is scary as the Devil himself, I knew the only thing to do was to pretend all the bakers had dropped off twenty dozen cupcakes at my house and I would be delivering them to the school that afternoon, “in plenty of time for the sale! Not to worry!!” Bianca and I swiftly inhaled our breakfast, ran across to the Foodtown and bought ten boxes of cupcake mix and ten cartons of icing and went home to bake.

I am sure I’ll have another opportunity to relax in five years when Charles gets into college.

“It Might As Well Be Spring…”

Well it’s finally happening: winter is ending, and almost like someone flipped a switch, the sun is shining, and I’ve officially come out of hibernation. The Spring Party Season has begun, and with a vengeance, as I can personally attest to. The first one was a doozy, it was Mardi Gras after all, and while I had my share of cocktails, I’m pretty sure I didn’t imagine the tall, masked-man in a Marie Antoinette wig and a cape, or the blow-up doll that someone mistook for Charles. It was kind of like an “Eyes Wide Shut” moment without the sex. But hey, if this means SPRING, I say bring it on!!

There’s a bunch of things that I will not miss with the changing of the season, and I don’t think anyone would disagree when I say I have seen enough snow to last me the rest of my life. I’m starting to understand why old people go to Florida in the winter, but I don’t think I am ever going to because it snowed down there a couple of times too. I’m tired of astronomical heating bills and my feet being cold and my flannel pajamas and my slow cooker with all those one-pot comfort foods that I might as well just slap on my hips because that’s where they are headed anyway. I am sick of having to clean the dog’s feet when she comes inside, and when I’m lazy and don’t do it, worrying that she’s going to have a stroke when she cleans them herself because what is so tasty about dog toes unless they are covered in ice melt? I’m sick of my kids being home for “snow days” making a mess in my kitchen baking cookies and making hot chocolate and charging me too much to shovel my sidewalk and doing a lousy job at that. I’m sick of pumping my own gas in freezing rain when the thingy on the pump is broken and I have to squeeze it the whole time, and I don’t have gloves on, and I have to pee and the numbers on the pump are turning S L O W L Y I’m not even kidding, like it must be broken, but I need the gas and I have to pee and when I finally settle for $5 worth which takes like 10 minutes but feels like an hour, and I splash through the slush and rain getting soaked up to my ankles to find the rest room and the stupid manager points to a line of PORT-A-JOHNS and I have no choice at this point, and trust me the only upside is that when all that waste is frozen it doesn’t smell as bad. If it were spring or summer I would have just pulled over and gone in the woods, snakes or no snakes! But I digress.

I yearn for refreshing mojitos and margaritas and icy martinis. Cooking on the grill because Maverick always does it and I don’t have to mess up my stove. I want to buy ice cream sandwiches and fudgesicles because I have a rule about not keeping them in the house in the winter because it’s cold. I want to sit outside and watch my dog bark at a piece of garbage that blew onto my lawn, instead of from my kitchen window. I want to worry that my neighbor is going to call the cops on me because I’ve got the music playing on the outside speakers so loud, and that I’m going to burn my house down because I’ve got such a big fire burning in our fire ring and complain that it makes my hair smell like camping. I want to leave the house without a coat, I want to put on a pair of flip flops instead of slipper socks and show off the sick blue nail polish I’ve got on my toes. I want to wear cotton sweaters and white jeans because even though the fashion gurus say it’s okay these days to wear white year round, I still don’t until Memorial Day unless I’m in the southern hemisphere or the mercury reaches 80 degrees fahrenheit. I want to buy suntan lotion instead of cold medicine when I go to the drug store, and when the school nurse calls I want it to be because Charles is having an allergy attack from being outside for recess, not because he has a 104 fever that was only 101 when I sent him to school anyway. I want to get my legs waxed on a regular basis because it might be warm enough for shorts, and try to lose that same five pounds I tried to lose last year because it’s almost bathing suit season, and then just buy myself a new coverup instead.

Sunday is the first day of spring, and by then we will have already partied for St. Patrick’s Day, and adjusted to Daylight Savings Time, which I’m still struggling with at this exact moment. Hopefully the sun will be shining, the grass will be greener, and I’ll start noticing buds on the trees, as long as I have my glasses on….And if it’s not, I’m going to make myself an ice cold margarita on the rocks with salt, tell Maverick to throw a steak on the grill, kick of my socks and enjoy my pedicure. Here’s hoping you’ll be joining me.

Happy Spring.

Aren’t we great?

I’m getting tired of people who think they are so much better than the rest of us. Like Charlie Sheen. Clearly the guy is insane, but he is a celebrity, and I suppose celebrities by definition are usually better than us. But what’s more annoying are those people living in our very own, non-celebrity communities, who walk around with a celebrity attitude, acting all entitled and special and looking down their noses at everyone else. Maybe you know someone like this? The reasons for their high falutin’ attitude are varied and can range from thinking they are better than you because they were born and raised in the town you only moved into, or because they just moved into your town and came from someplace better. Maybe they have a fancy job, or maybe they have no job even though they need the money, because they are oh-so-important around the house. Maybe they are better than you because they have big boobs, or fewer wrinkles, or no stretch marks (yeah, right!). Or maybe they are just better than you because they are the complete opposite of whatever you are. Or maybe they are exactly the same as you are but just better! Or maybe they are just assholes.

I happen to know quite a few people like this, but the one in particular that really gets my goat thinks she is better than me because she is an ordained minister. Normally I would have reverence for an ordained minister, although the way I carry on you are likely to be skeptical. My respect and reverence does not come from a place of religion or spirituality, but from the same place that I feel respect for any decent fellow human being, and reverence for anyone who is engaged in a career that he/she has dedicated themselves to, and has worked hard to achieve. Therefore, as much as I think Charlie Sheen is an idiot, I do have respect for the fact that he built a career for himself and he seems to occasionally work hard. Or at least he used to. And Wade Boggs, who happened to be a great baseball player back in the day, and even though he is a waste of life now, and can’t tambourine or even sing “Mac the Knife” as well as I, as he proved recently during our intimate karaoke encounter, I have to respect that he was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame the very next day, especially considering his hangover must have been the size of Texas, since mine was the size of Montana.

But this chick didn’t go to Seminary School or Rabbinical School or hole herself up with monks or nuns or take a vow of silence or chastity or deprive herself of anything for any amount of time, as is evident by the size of her ass. She simply made up a church and declared herself the minister. I’m telling you this made up church doesn’t even have a website, much less a building, and if you wanted to go to it you would probably just have to show up in her kitchen. I know, I know, you’re saying, “But D. Parker, God is everywhere, even in this chick’s kitchen.” Okay, I get it. But the thing is that this chick is just a bitch hiding behind a made-up church with a made-up title. She is crafty and mean, dare I say evil, and I will even admit, a little scary. I’m pretty sure she could take me down in a dark alley with no problem, but if I saw her coming I would have adrenaline and speed on my side, not to mention my half a brain. She doesn’t act loving and kind, like a real minister should, nor is she forgiving or gracious. She does, however, demand that everyone call her “Pastor,” and she thinks she is worthy of a special parking spot and a discount at the snack bar. I heard that she recently promoted herself to a Prophet, as she claims to have direct conversations with God. I know of a lot of people who hear voices but we call them Crazy, not Reverend, and as long as they stay on their meds, everybody will be okay.

Just to prove that I am just as good as she is, I decided to get ordained as well. After all, I’ve mentioned that I haven’t been getting a hell of a lot of respect around the house, and even though Maverick and my kids are not God-fearing people, I figured it might be worth a shot. Sure enough I found a plethora of churches online that would be willing to ordain me for a nominal fee. The Universal Life Church offers a “clergy pack” and claims that if ordained, I too, could have a recession-proof career, and be “provided preferred treatment, even price discounts, as a show of respect towards legally ordained religious leaders,” and all for only $32.99! The Rose Ministry Church really has it figured out: their “Ultimate Minister’s Package” comes complete with a wallet ID card and a clip-on clergy badge!! You heard me right, a clip-on clergy badge! as well as ready-to-use wedding and baptism certificates, at the low price of $189.95 per year! Friends, I kid you not.

But these churches just didn’t seem right for D. Parker, as much as I would kill for a clip-on clergy badge. With a little more research I discovered the mysterious, but New Order of Knights Templar and Daughters of Tsion. In addition to the run-of-the-mill claims the other churches are making, this one offers seminars on “majic” which I’m pretty sure is the same thing as “magic” but I suspect the different spelling means they have something to do with Satan. Anyway the best part about this “majic,” the Knights and Daughters claim, is that “working majic together can sometimes lead to romance.” Wow. Maybe I should see if I can sign up Mav and me for a majic class. But the Knights don’t offer on-line ordination, which makes me worry that it might be more of a Scientology type of cult, and I’m not up for anything that far off the charts. I haven’t been really involved in my actual religion of Roman Catholicism of late, nonetheless I’m not about to throw what little faith I have completely in the toilet.

I was just about to give up when lo and behold I came across the perfect church. The Church of the Latter Day Dude. Dudeism. The self-proclaimed, “slowest-growing religion in the world,” preaches non-preachiness and practices as little as possible. Their “take it easy, man,” approach appealed to me immediately, as did the free, on-line ordination. I became ordained quicker than you can say “make me a celebratory cocktail,” and as soon as I get my official “letter of good standing,” which was only $5, I can legally proceed with performing marriages and baptisms. But rest assured, my flock, that I am the same D. Parker I have always been, and I am quite confident when I proclaim that I am not better than you, just equally fantastic! And at this point, we are all better than Charlie Sheen.

This entry is dedicated to The Captain.

How Lovely to Meet You!

I knew yesterday was going to be a challenge because I woke up with this throbbing feeling on my face. A glance in the mirror revealed a humongous thing that was either a pimple or an alien, considering it was the size of a large grape, that had erupted on my lower jaw, completely distorting the proportions of my face which isn’t looking too good to begin with. I imagined the newspaper headlines: “Woman Gives Birth to Tiny Baby Through Her Face.” “Woman’s Face Explodes in Cereal Aisle, Creating Rainstorm of Lucky Charms.” “Woman’s Twin Finally Born…45 Years Late.” At any rate, it was obvious that we were going to be spending quite a bit of time together, so I named it Louise and went downstairs to make coffee. Only to find Maverick standing, shell-shocked, in front of the coffee machine with what looked like a little tear in his eye. The coffee machine was dead. Cue the violins. He left for work confidently aware that he could get a good cup at the office, where I, on the other hand, knew full well that it would take me hours to camouflage Louise well enough to show my face in Starbucks.

I started to consider why I go through the trouble of trying to hide a blemish. Even when I do a decent job of covering it up, I’m always self conscious and usually end up pointing it out to people anyway. Like that time I was meeting Miles’ girlfriend for the first time and I was carrying around an enormous herpes on my lip, like a big ol’ purse. Of course I was pretty wacked out to begin with: we had been driving for two days on our annual trek to the Sunshine State, I had melted chocolate on the lap of my pants, and the seat of my pants were wet from sitting on the dog’s water bottle. I hadn’t showered in over 24 hours, nor had I had a drop of alcohol, which was clearly what I needed. I was worried about the dog because she wouldn’t relieve herself at the rest stops, and she had just stepped into a hill of fire ants during our last attempt. Plus, I was just at that point of exhaustion where I think everything is funny. Hysterical. Really. So I jump out of the car to meet this poor girl and I can’t think of anything to say because I really want to ask her if she caught the episode of Real Housewives of Orange County last night, since we missed it, but I know she’s a real smarty pants and I want her to think I’m a smarty pants too, so I’m tongue tied. The only thing I can come up with is the story about why Maverick is wearing a pair of ladies sunglasses, but he starts shooting me dirty looks, so I drop it to point out how filthy my clothes are and how I wasn’t having a good hair day and before I know it I am introducing her to my herpes. Literally. I’m sure her head was spinning because I was on a real roll, and she was kind enough to say she didn’t even notice Ron (my herpes), when I feel a little tingle, and wouldn’t you know it, Ron starts to bleed. “Well, surely you notice him now!” I exclaim, nervously laughing, begging passers-by for a tissue because we had used up all of ours trying to dry off my pants after the water accident. Now she and Miles are looking at me with their mouths hanging open, so I decide to stop talking about myself and segue into a commentary on the people who we dined next to the night before at the Cracker Barrel, and how the father had an enormous mole on his face, that was even bigger than Ron, truthfully, even bigger than Louise, and we couldn’t stop staring at it. Bianca swears she saw it move on it’s own, and I think she even had a little nightmare about it. Anyway, as they finally dragged me back to the car, I heard someone mention something about about a straight-jacket and medication, but I couldn’t really hear them, I was still hysterically laughing, and immediately launched into crying because I had to say goodbye to Miles. So you see that D. Parker in public with any kind of blemish is just a recipe for disaster.

But so is starting my day without a cup of java, and thank goodness for the Dunkin’ Donuts drive-through. I wasted not a second, jumped in the car in my bathrobe and socks, hoping Charles would get out of bed on time and not be late for school, which would require me to sign him in, and again, LOUISE….Of course there’s a line of a thousand cars at the D&D, so realizing I wouldn’t be back home in time to make Charles breakfast, I decide to add two donuts to my order, as I start calling his cell phone continuously to get him out of bed. He doesn’t answer, and I decide to add two more donuts, for his lunch. I finally get up to the speaker, and order “four chocolate Manager’s Specials and an extra large coffee, cream, no sugar.” Woo hoo!! Everything will be better, when that first hit of caffeine enters my blood stream! I pull up to the window, relieved that Louise is on the OTHER side of my face, so I won’t frighten anyone, and hand the garbage from my cupholders to Dunkin’ Donuts Sales Executive Juan. Maverick says this is not acceptable behavior, but they never refuse me, so how does he know? Anyway, Juan hands me a bag. Where’s my coffee? They are brewing a fresh pot, and would I mind pulling ahead and they will bring it to me in a minute?? YES, I would absolutely mind, don’t they have some old coffee they can pop into the microwave? No ma’am, but please pull ahead so they can help the next customer in line. UGH! So I pull ahead, and as I’m wondering if Charles is lithe and limber enough to climb through his classroom window to avoid the sign in, Juan sneaks up to my passenger window with my coffee!

For a brief second I consider burning rubber to get away from him, but I really need that coffee. As I roll down the window I witness the widening of his eyes, and the dropping of his jaw… and a strange sensation comes over me as I hear a familiar voice saying, “Hello, Juan. This is Louise.”

“So, how are you?”

Did you ever notice that some people are just TOO happy all the time? I mean, I consider myself to be a happy person, no real complaints. That being said, I’m complaining constantly. About everything. Like today, when I braved the supermarket with a low-grade fever because we were down to the bare minimum and even though Maverick and I ate out all weekend, and Bianca always manages to fend for herself, Charles was about to morph into Jose Ole and I was literally frightened when he told me I was out of “Pam” and he was having trouble getting his quesadillas off the baking sheet and he really prefers to make them in the oven as opposed to the microwave. So I drag myself out of bed, trying to make excuses in my head for why my lousy kids don’t ever come along to help me, since they always have something to say about what I did or did not purchase, and meander through the Foodtown in a fog because I left my shopping list on the counter at home. I text the kids to text it to me when they get out of bed, but I get no response, so I have to recreate the list in my mind, knowing full well that I’m forgetting whatever were the three most important things. For safe measure I double back and grab some canned soup (in case what I’ve shopped for doesn’t amount to even a single dinner), toilet paper (on the strong possibility that someone is using the last role at this very minute) and tampons (because when your in your mid-forties, you never know). Then I thoughtfully choose the check out line that does not have the very sweet and friendly challenged man doing the bagging. Not because I’m mean to emotionally challenged people, the way you think I’m mean to midgets, but because I am a control freak about bagging. I have a system that works for me. I like my bags organized by the final destination of their contents: pantry, freezer, cabinet, laundry closet, fruit drawer, veggie bin, etc., etc. I also am trying to be “green,” and even though I never remember the reusable shopping bags that are on the floor of my car, I try to make up for it by loading up the plastic bags nice and full and heavy. I am pretty strong, and it’s fewer trips back and forth to the car. Anyway, this man, Mark, means well I’m sure, but it makes me crazy that he only puts two or three things in a bag, completely randomly…like a carton of eggs with a big can of tomatoes. I’m usually pretty good at avoiding his line, but last month he must have had on some new, quiet shoes made for detectives because one minute he was two registers down, and the next second he was right next to me. UGH. I knew that I had only ten minutes once I got back home to put everything away, so I needed my system. So I said in the nicest way possible, “Oh, that’s okay, I don’t mind bagging my own stuff!” And man, oh, man, I guess it wasn’t nice enough because he turned on the heels of his detective shoes and stormed off, and I’m not positive but I think he may have directed an obscenity or two at me. I felt pretty awful, but I was pretty glad that I got rid of him too.

But back to today. So I find the line that doesn’t have Mark and I load up my stuff pretty quickly because the woman ahead of me doesn’t have too much. And just as she finishes counting out her singles and her change and her coupons and double checks that she got double points, and then decides that she does want to run back and grab that crumb cake that was on special, would I mind?, she drops her roasted chicken. And the greasy juices pour out all over the floor. And she picks it up and starts to head out. WTF?? I’m watching to see if she is actually going to just walk away from the mess she just made, that is about to put my life in jeopardy because I’m not that sure-footed or coordinated, and if I land my foot on even a drop of that chicken grease I’m going down like a bag of dirt. Which might not be all bad, considering I would sue the crap out of the Foodtown and maybe all my financial problems would be solved. I’m actually considering the possibility of this for a couple of seconds, but then remember that I’ve got what is sure to be a winning Power Ball ticket in my purse, so I stare her down before I point out the mess she made to the check-out girl. The customer then decides that she is owed a new chicken, and someone runs to get that, and the poor check-out girl is wiping up the mess with paper towels. And the customer is just standing there watching her, like she had nothing to do with it all! Amazing. Her new chicken arrives and she’s off, despite the fact that lowly-check-out-lady is still wiping the grease with crappy paper towels and the announcement for “a clean up at register six, stat” is being ignored. I’m told to “stand back” until it’s cleaned up, and now I’m starting to realize that this is akin to the BP oil spill because all the cashiers are abuzz, uttering phrases like “OSHA regulations” and “chemical cleansers” and “cat litter” and “these paper towels suck.” I’ll tell you what sucks. My luck.

So if you asked, “Hey D. Parker, how was your morning?” I’d tell you this story and then I’d answer, “My morning sucked.” I wouldn’t tell you this story and then say, “But my morning was fantastic! Really!” And this is my point, believe it or not, that I’m starting to notice that there is a large number of folks who act too damn happy, and everything in their world is just the best, no matter what. Their kids are great, they’re just so in love with their husband, they had just the most fantastic time last night, their entree was the best thing to ever come out of a kitchen, they just are in love with their new colorist and their trainer and their car and their job, and their dog never chews anything or shits in the wrong part of the yard and they love love love that new book that you hated. I’ll tell you what: these people are all a bunch of cross-eyed liars. And here’s some advice for all you liars out there: when someone asks you how you are, or how your kids are or how you like your fancy new whatever, they don’t really want to know. They are just being polite, and the proper response is “Good, thanks, how are you?” Unless you have something stupid to complain about.

I hate hearts, but what else is new?

Hey, Happy Valentines Day. I mean if you are into that sort of thing. It’s not my favorite holiday but I have curtailed my usual disdain of heart-shaped stuff for the occasion, on the off chance that Maverick might buy me a heart-shaped box of dark-chocolate-covered something. But as long as he doesn’t buy me the “hot new fashion sensation,” a pair of Pajama Jeans, I’ll be content. Have you seen the commercial for these things? No, I’m not kidding, and I have to admit I wish I had made it up myself, it’s just too priceless: the elastic waist, the “mock fly,” the “stylish boot cut,” the “smooth butt lifting design!”  Jeans “so comfortable you’ll want to sleep in them.”   Why?  “Regular jeans can leave marks on your skin.”  Oh.  “Wear them while working out!”  Seriously??  “Great with sandals or sneakers, or roll them up to a cute cuff!”  How did we ever live without them?  All we need now is a Snuggie Tuxedo.

Anyway, Mav and I already had our Valentine’s Day Date on Saturday night, at one of our favorite restaurants in the city.  Funny though, that we both looked at each other with disappointment as we headed out, the anticipation of having to spend the entire evening alone together somehow not being what either of us wanted.  Why hadn’t we invited friends? What the hell were we going to talk about all night? Luckily we were able to make many new friends while waiting at the bar (although I really would have loved to make the acquaintance of the dude who came in wearing a bright-pink, sequined jacket thing-y), and we managed to drag some of them  around with us for the rest of the night, forcing them to listen to me sing at my favorite piano bar (if only I had remembered my tambourine), and drink martinis instead of chardonnay.  Of course they all found me utterly charming, which I am!  If my new friends from Sweden are reading, I hope you managed to dump that obnoxious guy with the giant head who only wanted to sing Irish ballads.  BOR-ING!!  To the nice guy in the tux, I hope your girlfriend wasn’t too pissed off that you left her at that wedding to hang out with us.  And to that Indian guy who loved my hair, I hope you aren’t still hanging around with that bitch who was bossing you around like she was your girlfriend, your wife or your mother but wasn’t any of the above. She’s not better than you just because she’s not Indian. But I digress.

Today is a special day and to show my family how much I love them, I’m preparing one of their favorite meals for dinner.  I’ve already handed out gifts this morning, (including homemade chocolate candies that I made with my own two hands from scratch and made a complete mess of my stovetop and counters when I was tempering the chocolate, and don’t even remind me that I ruined my new sweater in the process), as they all headed out the door to work and school, and as I didn’t get anything in return, not even a kiss, I’m not expecting anything later on.  All I will ask is that they not bring their new iphones to the dinner table, as has become their habit over the last week.  Sure I’m a little jealous, but is it really necessary to “face time” each other when we are all in the same room?  And must there be yet another conversation about which is the best and most protective cover?  and how the one I picked out for them sucks? When Charles took a stupid picture of me and then used that app to make me look all deformed like my reflection in a fun-house mirror, it was kind of funny.  Less funny when he sent it to all his friends.  It was completely unnecessary for Maverick to send it to his friends.  If you are going to take my photo with your phone it’s only fair that you wait until I am having a good hair day, when I’m wearing makeup, and after I’ve had at least one glass of wine (my smile is much more natural looking then). Please don’t take my bad side, and try to focus on my face, but not too close. See, I am willing to cooperate completely, and I might even let you take more than one. Let’s be honest, I can get you all back by buying myself a pair of Pajama Jeans and showing up at your office, your lunch table or the Junior High dance. You know I would do it.

Don’t tempt me.

“…and the Oscar goes to…”

Well my tiara is polished, my favorite gown is steamed, and I am ready for the Academy Awards. Not that I’ve been nominated, or even invited, but you never know, a girl has to be ready. If my 98-year-old grandmother can score an invitation (like she did three years ago) not only to the Awards, but to the Vanity Fair after-party, I have to hold out hope that it can happen for me. I can promise you that I will not be so worn out from the flight that I will sleep through the entire experience, as she did. Anyway, I’ve spent the better part of the last month seeing all the nominated movies so I know what I’m talking about when I bash a performance or cry out at the injustice of it all when the wrong movie wins, whether I’m sitting in the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood, or in front of my own television. Meanwhile, in the coming days and weeks all the movie critics will be chiming in with their predictions for this year’s Oscars, so in the friendly spirit of competition, I would like to offer my own predictions and comments for some special categories that may not be mentioned in the broadcast.

Let’s start with the obvious, “Best Looking Guy in a Leading Role.” You might be surprised that I am not going with my true love, Leonardo DeCaprio, whose stunning good looks and winning personality I can honestly vouch for because I have actually had a conversation with him in person (don’t be jealous…well, okay, actually you should be) and let me tell you the man is BEAUTIFUL, but honest to god his movie “Inception” was painful to watch; and I admit that Ryan Gosling is extremely cute in “Blue Valentine,” but my award goes to James Franco in “127 Hours.” My friend Rusty put it best when she said, “I love his teeth,” and I haven’t seen anyone else look quite so good while chopping off a part of their body.

Next we move on to, “Best Body for a Woman in a Leading or Supporting Role.” Clearly the only competition here is between Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis in “Black Swan.” And as I don’t know too much about Mila, I’m going with Natalie because she had to lose 20 pounds for the role, and now she’s pregnant and that body is gone FOREVER.

While we are on the topic of “Black Swan” we might as well jump ahead to my next category, “Best Lesbian Scene” and the winner here is clearly Mila and Natalie, although Natalie gave Mila a run for her money in the masturbation scene. Hats off to Mila for not being shy with the rug munching. I just hope the girls were using their dental dams. You might be thinking, “D. Parker, why not give this one to Annette Benning and Julianne Moore in “The Kids Are Alright?” Sure, a movie about lesbians should warrant the prize for “Best Lesbian Scene,” but I’m still bothered by the fact that the ladies were getting it on while they were watching man-on-man porn, and no matter how many real-life lesbians I ask to explain that to me, none of them can.

While we are on the topic of porn, let’s move along to my next category, “Movie Most Likely to Almost Be Porn.” Here I’d like to just offer a comment on the sex that is in the movies lately: not much is left to the imagination, and the rated R of today must be the NR of yesterday. Ryan Gosling and Michele Williams have great on-screen chemistry in my opinion, and man, the sex scenes were pretty graphic. Plus, I heard they had to edit out quite a bit to get that R rating. I can only imagine. Yikes. Oscar goes to “Blue Valentine.”

My next category is new for this year, “Best Part of the Body to Be Amputated in a Feature Film.” Obviously the Forearm gets the Oscar for this, as it’s lost to a snakebite on a 14-year-old girl in “True Grit” and to a boulder in “127 Hours.” A shout-out to the Coen brothers for not making us watch the amputation, Danny Boyle gave us quite the eyeful, thank you very much.

In the interest of equal time I feel it’s only fair to recognize the movie with the most physically unattractive characters, since I’ve awarded the movies with the most attractive characters. So my Oscar for the “Movie with the Ugliest Actors” goes to “The Fighter.” Certainly not in reference to Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale or Amy Adams, although I give Amy a lot of credit for looking so “natural” and Christian for looking like a real dirt bag. My Oscar goes to the pack of homely ladies who played the sisters. Come on!! They were the ugliest bunch I haven’t seen since I graduated high school! And I’m not giving all the credit to the wardrobe department or the hair and makeup people, stellar jobs they all did, no doubt: the giant pouf hair with bad roots, the mom jeans….brilliant, really brilliant. But those were some homely ladies and I’m pretty sure one of them was a flat out midget, unless she also had her forearms amputated. I don’t know if Marky Mark intended for those sisters to be laugh-out-loud funny, but I thought they were and god bless them if they are actual actors, I can’t imagine them ever getting signed for another serious job. What will be very interesting is seeing them all on the Red Carpet and what kind of job their stylists and makeup artists can put out for that occasion. Maybe I’ll eat my words. I hope so, for their sake. Poor things.

And now my last Oscar for “Worst Movie That I Wanted to Love” goes to Golden Globe nominee, “The Tourist.” So so sad. Johnny, Angelina, Venice, Paris….how could it all go so horribly wrong?? Oh, but it do. First of all, Johnny looks all puffy like he’s retaining water. Second of all, they have about as much chemistry together as two pieces of dead wood. And lastly the stupid scenes are put together so poorly that the viewer finds herself hung up on things like, “Why is Angelina still wearing the same sweater she had on the day before?” “Why is it suddenly daytime?” “Why do the backdrops look so fake?” and “Why did I waste $8.50 on this piece of crap movie?”

If you haven’t seen anything good since “The Social Network,” you still have time. And if you can get to a matinee before noon on a weekday, it’s like only six bucks. Get out there and see some movies, and I’ll see you all on the Red Carpet.

On The Road Again

I’ve been on the road a lot lately on my Tambourine Adventures, auditioning, and I am coming to the conclusion that life as we know it in the Northeast is not the norm. Not that life in the Northeast this winter has been anything “normal.” What with all the snow I’m considering expanding my house with an igloo, and giving Maverick that “man cave” he’s always wanted, but I’m afraid it will increase my property taxes. Consequently I do have a better understanding of why most Alaskans are alcoholics.

But first let me update you on my tambourining, as you are probably wondering if I’ve gotten any job offers. Well, not yet, but I can tell I’m getting close! For starters, I got hip to the fact that some of the bands I muscled my way on stage with were putting me in front of microphones that were turned off, or “dead” as we say in the music business. I am not positive, but I think they have may been doing that on purpose. As you know I didn’t just fall off the turnip truck, so now that I’m hip to that trick, I make sure to sing into the same mike as the lead guitarist. But I know I’m really going places because a drummer last weekend handed me his tambourine to use, which was way better than mine. Clearly he recognized my skills.

I don’t know how many of you, my loyal readers, have ever driven into, and out of different time zones. Let me tell you, it’s very confusing. Sure, if you are a fancy pants and fly everywhere, the pilot is usually the one doing the math and telling you how and when to set your watch. But math has never been my forte, which is probably surprising to you given my expertise keeping time with my instrument. This I cannot explain. Anyway,  the navigation system in my car is great about telling me what time I am supposed to arrive at my destination (it would be better if it would take into account the number of times I have to stop to pee, or reward myself with a Milky Way Dark) but it doesn’t factor in the time zone and that is almost as annoying as wondering for hours on end when will I pass into Central Time and will there be a sign welcoming me to Central Time? and when you finally do pass into Central Time (yes there is a sign, but no welcome) and then the road goes around a big curve and you slip back into Eastern Time, and then curves again and back to Central (no sign this time) what happens to those few minutes that you were back and forth in between?? And if you stopped the car at the sign and got out and had a picnic there along the highway for an hour or more, what time would it be when you finished? You would think an hour difference is no big deal, but I’m serious as a heart attack when I tell you that you will need a calculator with algorithms to figure out how many hours you have actually been driving.  The problem is compounded if someone calls you from the Mountain or Pacific Time Zone and starts asking you questions like, “What time did you leave?” and “What time will you get there?” and they want the answers relative to their time zone, and are we in Standard or Daylight Savings time??  Unless you are some sort of math genius. Which begs the question, why you are wasting your time reading my blog when you should be figuring out how to fix our economy?

I finally got over the stress of doing all that math and was settling into Central Time when I was thrown for another loop. It was almost noon on a Friday when my entourage and I headed out for lunch. We rolled into a Chinese restaurant at precisely five minutes before noon, only to be handed a beeper by the hostess and told there would be at least a 20 minute wait. WTF? A peek around the curtain into the dining room confirmed that the place was packed to the gills with people already into their meals. Could this be some sort of Chinese food brunch trend that I hadn’t been aware of?? or were my math skills even worse than I thought and I was still a whole hour behind? or did I take a detour into Bizarro World? Perhaps I had been too sober for too long….So I said to myself, outloud, “D. Parker, why is everyone already halfway done with their lunch at 11:55?” And the bitchy hostess with the beepers turned around and said, with attitude, “Well, it IS noon!” To which I responded, “Unless your name is D. Parker, I wasn’t talking to you!” So there.

Nonetheless, folks were filing out of the restaurant with their doggie bags by 12:15pm. I had to ask everyone I met from that point on, if I was crazy or if it was weird to eat lunch before noon. I mean where I come from, the only reason to go to a restaurant before noon is if the bar opens at 11:30. But from what I’ve been told, it’s only me and THE REST OF THE EASTERN SEABOARD that’s crazy because everyone in middle America thinks it’s normal to eat lunch at 11am. Maybe because the food is so lousy they need more time to digest it. Or maybe they are just losers. Or both.

Something else that’s really sticking in my craw is that some of the less expensive hotels don’t have bathrobes.  They think we won’t notice because they load up the bathroom with a thousand hand towels, but it’s really difficult to try and wrap yourself in hand towels, especially if you are applying body lotion which you have better brought from home because the crap they have in the hotels with no robes is the consistency of milk.  Furthermore they don’t all have pay per view, but they do have the porn channel, which is strange enough, but not as strange as the eggs they serve at the free continental breakfast which are formed to resemble a yellow, nylon wallet.  And why on earth is the yogurt always strawberry banana, and never just strawberry or here’s an idea, PLAIN, so you can add your own banana if you want it?  even though the bananas they have are bruised, and they don’t have any strawberries at all.

I guess life on the road can be hard, and once I make it really big I’m going to have one of those fancy tour buses with room to transport my robe and my tambourine and a driver who will do all the necessary math for the time zone conversions, and who will keep me in the dark about what time it is when I’m eating lunch.  And now if you will please excuse me, it’s already 1pm Eastern Standard Time, and somewhere there’s a tuna sandwich with my name on it.

Mrs. Tambourine Man

You know I’m starting to notice that I’m not getting a hell of alot of respect around the house. Not even a hell of a little. It dawned on me last night when I found myself sitting alone at the dinner table, still eating the delicious meal I had painstakingly prepared…a family favorite, mind you…and nevermind that I did so with a raging sinus infection, but such is my devotion. There is a mathematical equation that can be used to determine how many minutes my family will sit together at the dinner table and eat. The amount of time it takes me to prepare the meal divided by the time it takes me to clean up,
equals the amount of minutes they sit and eat. So like last night, we were seated for all of ten minutes. I had just sat down to eat my first serving, after refilling the serving platter and my wine glass, when the mass exodus began. Even though I felt snubbed, I decided to enjoy the solitude and thank goodness for my dog, who sat by my side so I wouldn’t be lonely. I suppose it’s more likely that she was hoping to get a piece of my meatball, but I’ll go with the “man’s best friend” theory here.

You’re probably thinking, “D. Parker, you are being too sensitive!” And if being left alone at the table were the only incident, I’d say you were right. But there’s more.

Maverick just admitted that he doesn’t listen to me. I know you are not surprised, lots of husbands don’t listen to their wives, right? But what’s different about Maverick is that he has perfected this thing where he can respond as if he is paying close attention. So he tricks me into thinking he is listening, and then later accuses me of not telling him something important. Imagine a conversation something like this:

D. Parker: I forgot to tell you that I am having a liver transplant on Wednesday.

Mav: Wow, I am really sorry, that really sucks. Is there anything I can do?

D. Parker: Well, I could use a ride to the hospital.

Mav: Oh sure, I can give you a ride to the hospital.

Wednesday arrives, I end up calling a cab because Mav is on the ice playing hockey and isn’t answering his phone. When I get out of surgery there is a message on my phone.

Mav: D. Parker, where the hell are you? Charles is trying to reach you because he forgot his lunch.

I call him back.

D. Parker: I can’t bring the lunch to school I am in the hospital recovering from a liver transplant.

Mav: Why didn’t you tell me, I could have given you a ride.  So, I was right about you drinking too much.

Sure this is an exaggeration, and in the real conversation we were having before he admitted his lying ways, I was telling him about the one hundred-year-old lady twins that have dressed alike their entire lives and for their birthday party they had on the cutest little old-lady outfits and how witty they were and how tiny, and did he think that was from osteoporosis or maybe they were always petite? and as I’m probably going to live to be at least one hundred years as well, did he think that I would also get shorter, despite the weight training and all the milk I drank as a child and the new drugs like Boniva, and if so how much shorter, because maybe I should start practicing walking in heels now.  And without looking up at me, he said “that’s really something,” and “sure, that can happen,” and “you might as well start now.”  So I said, “Start what? Practicing walking in heels, or taking Boniva?”

That’s when he looked me square in the eye and said, “I wasn’t really listening to anything you just said.”

Son of a bitch.

But what really put the icing on the cake was the video Charles made as part of his math project. He played a character billed in the credits as “Abusive Mother” and although he was very funny, I got a sinking feeling that my son was mocking his real-life mother. I know he was trying to throw me off by wearing an enormous stuffed bra as part of his costume, but as I remind my kids frequently, I didn’t just fall off the turnip truck. I guess the best way to describe what I saw, is what I can only imagine as my son’s perception of me: a cross between a character on The Jersey Shore and The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

That little bastard.

Then I got to thinking, and I recalled that several weeks ago, when Bianca told me she was doing an “imitation” of me at the lunch table, I had taken it as a compliment. She’s always been rather dramatic and apparently her friends thought she was a riot, that she had nailed me perfectly. Isn’t imitation the greatest form of a compliment? But now that I’ve had this glimpse of the dark side of my family, I’m starting to wonder.

Don’t get me wrong, I can certainly laugh at myself. I do it all the time.  But are they laughing with me or at me?  I think I’m starting have a new understanding and appreciation for Rodney Dangerfield.

Clearly I need to sort things out, so I’m picking up my tamborine and taking my act on the road for a few days.  Maybe when I’m not around to not listen to, and not around to act as fodder for their junior high math videos and scintillating conversations at the high school lunch table, they will come up with some reason to have just a little bit of respect for D. Parker.  And then, if they ask me very nicely, I will regale them with the stories of my Tambourine Adventures.

The Wonder Years

First of all I need to let you all know that Max is changing his name to Charles. In reality he is not changing, his name, I am, which is not a big deal because Max isn’t his real name anyway, just his blog name, and I made it up to begin with. So I will be referring to him as Charles or Charlie and when you read outloud to yourself, or to your friends or family, which is what I’m sure all my readers do, please try to say it with a very droll, aristocratic, lock-jawed accent…that’s how it’s meant to be pronounced. Don’t ask, just go with it.

Speaking of Charles, I am getting a bit anxious about him being my only child next year, after Bianca leaves for college. While he’s never had my undivided attention, I always planned on making it up to him later. Except Charles has recently told me in no uncertain terms that he is not looking forward to living alone with us, and contrary to popular belief he has never had a desire to be an only child. As it is, he can barely stand to spend a Saturday night with Maverick and me, whether we include him in our plans of dinner and a movie, a simple night at home, or when I am feeling really generous and guilty, playing a board game. The look on his face is usually one of pain and disappointment. I am telling you, the kid is complex.

He didn’t believe me when I told him all his friends with younger siblings were going to be jealous.  So my latest tactic is telling him that life as he knows it is going to drastically change, and he can’t even comprehend the fun that I am about to unleash on him. I think this might be peaking his interest, even though he rolls his eyes. I have no idea what he might be imagining, but I wish I had a clue because I am flying by the seat of my pants and making this up as I go along.  As long as it’s not a plan that involves me adopting one of his friends, I’m open to discussion.

You might be wondering why I am so worried, seeing as I did a bang up job raising Miles and Bianca, models of excellence for all society as they are. I suppose you could say I ran out of steam the third time around, and left a lot of parenting up to the older siblings and to Charles himself. For example, Miles and Charlie both tasted potato chips for the first time on the same occasion: Miles was eight years old and Charlie was seven months. I can still feel the glaring eyes of the other mothers in the waiting area of the ballet studio where Bianca was dancing, as they tsked, and shook their heads while I bribed my baby with potato chips to shut him up. Poor Miles looked at me in astonishment, and it was then I realized that I could no longer insist that “Potato chips are not good for you, Miles!” If I was going to feed them to is baby brother, I was going to have to let him have some too. Things kind of went downhill from there, if you know what I mean.  And I can only hope that beer, dope and sex, have not gone the way of the potato chip.

Last week Charles came home from school with someone else’s gym shorts. Claimed he found them in them in the locker room, and as his are getting small, he figured he could “use” them. Okay, so first of all, he goes to a very small school where everyone knows each other. Saying you “found” something in the locker room is like Bianca staking claims on my hair gel because I left it on my bathroom counter. Second of all, college tuition is expensive, but I can still afford to clothe my children, they needn’t resort to theft. Had he been telling me he needed new gym shorts? I don’t remember him saying so, but then again I have been accused of not always listening, and the way he mumbles, he could have told me he was dropping out of junior high and I might have said, “That’s great honey, I always knew you would like tomatoes if you just tried them!”

But I shouldn’t make him sound like such a bad seed, I mean the kid is definitely going places. If his plan of being recruited by the Major Leagues doesn’t work out, his fall-back plan is to pursue a career as a stand-up comic. Sure, show business can be  tough to break into, but Charles is confident that he can sleep his way to the top.  I’m not certain that he fully comprehends what “sleeping his way to the top” would entail…more than likely he’s imagining  that obeying my pleas to get to bed before 10pm, and finally being well rested, will make his wildest dreams come true.  Mother does know best after all.

But I’ve relaxed a lot since my first two kids approached the teenage years, and you might say I’ve even lowered my expectations.  At this point I feel that as long as I can keep him from becoming a porn star, a drug addict, and out of the big house, I’ve done my job.  So far he’s demonstrated that he’s a smooth operator and can usually talk his way into or out of any situation, so maybe I shouldn’t worry?  Except that he can turn those same skills on around the house. So if a year from now I tell you that I’ve adopted two wayward thirteen-year-old boys, another dog and we’re running an after-hours comedy club in my basement, don’t be surprised.  Just bring me a bottle of bubbly and I’ll see if I can get you in for free.